“Not everyone knew to live a life . some lead life by cherishing the moments and some lead life always comparing life with others,and many others stop trying to achieve their goals wishes and always bothers on others success.”
But your life should be with all of your moments that you live in .it may be sad or happy, success or failure,gain or profit.whatever but you involved it matters. see striving on others success and worrying on failure is not the life put that time to make some beautiful things in your life or make others happy by your efforts that makes your soul to lead a satisfied life leading.
Every living being takes birth but not all knew to design their life and what makes them to be in right way and what makes them cherish and successful.its only one’s responsibility to design and plan for it and work on it no one knew the things what you are wanna get in that process except you.
The beautiful that you plan the most clear your result will be and that’s why planning and and designing the era is must in whatever the things you do.because only you will be responsible to face the result in the last either happy or sad.but doing planning wrong and blaming the time,fate,destiny is waste if you are in right in doing above all the result tell you what you strived for. its simple….so work for what you actually want with all of your involvement:)